For digital citizenship I made a toy box only using poly line. I found to make the toys have no background challenging because it was hard to download the toy and then I had to put it into an thing that makes it have no background. I’ had to download it again and insert it. I enjoyed finding the toys and putting them in the box . I gave the toy box some toys like a teddy bear and a rubber duck.


For Monday mashup we explored using magnets we had a science kit which included 2 bar magnet 10 small circle magnets play-doe 1 small horse shoe. Some tiny compasses paper clips and a iron filings. In my group were Jake Ianto and me and we discovered when a magnet attracts to a paper clip the paper clip became a magnet. if you put a magnet far away from the iron the iron will not attracts.


 I collection of about five shapes using a ‘secret’ rule (that only i know).

Now i challenge others to find more shapes with the same properties to add to the set and guess what my ‘secret’ rule was.

Jumping june

For the last day of the term we did something called jumping June. For jumping June we did different skipping activities around the school one of the activities were skipping while running which is  when you jump and skip at the same time. Every 15 minutes we would switch activities. Some of the activities were played at different places like 2 were on the basketball court 5 were in the hall 1 was in front of my class/TWM and 1 was in the football turf.  my favourite activity was running while jumping I found it really fun and sometimes I liked racing people while jumping and running I really hope I get to do this next year and it was probably my favourite thing this term.

get wi$e

Jeff from the ASB Bank came to teach us about saving money. I made a cash plan for a trench coat. I needed about $100-140 and I got $15 a week, so my plan was a long term goal. For  example if i need $300 and I get $50 a week my plan would be a short plan. There are 3 plans a short plan, a medium plan and a long plan. If you want something and want the  cheapest price you should probably look on the internet and make a list of what has the cheapest things you want. I learnt that C.A.S.H can say/mean



Spend and save

How long

This was awesome and I’d love to do it again some time.

Action Silhouettes

1)First I scribbled paper with a pencil. Then I got pastel and filled it in with green, gold and brown. Next I got a Silhouette and cut it out. Then I Coloured it in with black marker. Finally I glued it in.  .

2) I enjoyed  colouring the silhouette with black marker. I

t was cool when I got up to the end of colouring .

3) I found cutting out the most challenging because it was very delicate .

4) Next time I would try to cut better so it looks better and stands out more.          b

Dragon Eyes

On Friday afternoons, we do Action Stations. This term, I chose to make Dragon Eyes.

First, we read some descriptions of dragons and identified their characteristics.

Then we completed a planning sheet, considering what we wanted our dragon to be like. We thought about personality, colour and features.

I decided I wanted my dragon to be intelligent, cunning, strong and fast.

After, we used the clay. I made an eye like base and added a horn and made the front like a tip and made Heaps of spikes on the top of the eye. And I used a Popsicle stick to make scales. My dragon liked Treasure and gold. The center of my dragons eye was red and black.

Finally, we painted them. black and yellow

Monday mashup imovie

For Monday mashup me Seb Niko and Lucas made a iMovie. What we did for the imovie is first we decided what the iMovie would be about and then we decided are roles for the movie trailer. Next we got to a place where we should film the iMovie. Then we did all the videos. Finally we edited the iMovie and did anything we needed to do. My group was pretty good we did not fight. Next time I would try not to smile as much and try to get the shot on time.